Acestea sunt placi menite a anunta adresa si numele diverselor locatii intr-un mod care sa le faca remarcate si distincte de casele din jur. Traditia acestor placi premerge aparitia, in secolul XVIII, a postei engleze si a cartarii localitatilor, pe atunci casele avand nume in loc de numere, precum au astazi. Totusi, orgoliul proprietarilor face ca traditia lor sa continue neabatut in tarile anglosxone si sa se raspandeasca si in restul lumii.
Traditional house and residential hand carved and hand painted signs. This sign style came in existence long before the postal service had been invented. Back then all houses were having remarkable, easy to recall names, clearly displayed on carved wood signs. The house naming tradition has since survived throughout the entire English speaking world but it has been lost in most of European countries.
ROSCA'S is proud to be the first Romanian manufacturer to revive this nice, old tradition that got forgotten in our part of Europe.